Bootcamp in the Pilot Office while it can change a person from where they are now to where they would like to go, it is NOT for the faint of heart. You will be challenged, physically, mentally and tested daily during your stay.
Real-world live experience, engagement with those excelling in a live /virtual atmosphere, and the power of being present to learn.
The Office is approximately 1 mile away from the Cutco House.
Information is one thing. However, Inspiration, the live accountability of living at your best, discovering your inner pride, strength and courage? That’s something entirely different. These emotions will drive you to form lasting relationships with others you meet during your visit. The networking and relationships you build that last a life time is what you take with you forever.
Programs and watching our systems live will empower you to follow through on what you learn and create unstoppable momentum. You will not simply learn; you will have the ability to see first hand what is being done and be given daily activities to complete that install HABITS.
The Division Office Manager (DOM) is a year commitment at the minimum. This is a leader of leaders type role. To learn more on this position and it's benefits please review the application.
Our mission is to provide those who live at the Cutco House for a set time period ( boot camp )
The ability to develop habits that transfer to their Branch or District Office immediately after. Minimum 30 day stay.
Interested in leading others on the sales front? Feel you have the experience and expertise to motivate, engage, and drive results through the core Assistant Managers in the Pilot Office? The PSSM role may be a great fit for you!